When I learned today that VISD had finally reached the conclusion that their TEFLON person in the district had to be put on Administrative Leave, I was so pleased that finally the superintendent had realized how truly toxic the whole situation was. I do feel badly for the students and parents who work so hard and enjoy the drill team experience and blindly believed everything was above board.
Whenever a parent devotes money, time and energy to keep their child involved in an extra-curricular activity, they shouldn't have to worry whether the person in charge is putting the children's well-being above her need for recognition. Competitions were very expensive and yet the competitions were not true indicators of talent, since the team was the only one to compete in their category.
Fund raisers might not be a problem for students who came from families with connections at work, church and social organizations who could buy raffle tickets, sponsorships, etc. But for the families who struggle to met their household obligations, buying/selling the merchandise was a major financial strain. Didn't matter who you were, the fundraising was expected. Didn't want your child to have to work at the TKB event, because beer was sold and consumed, then too bad for you. How does this say that the director cared about the students?
If a family couldn't afford all the financial obligations, then they should just pull their child from the team? Soon we would be left with the elite and maybe that was the plan all along. Oh, now I understand the name of LEGACY...rich, elite and above the rules.
Sounds like it's time to regroup and rename the team. The "DDDR" is the Legacy? Really, then I guess it stands for "Did Debbie Do Right?" And the obvious answer would be a big, fat, dingle-berry, "NO!"