Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Day my Heart Grew: Love my Sweet Potato

Last year at this time, a miracle happened to my heart. A soft, sweet mewl was the signal that my heart was now enlarged to the point I could love in a way that I never realized was possible.

Being the mother of a remarkable girl was all that I knew, so seeing that teeny-tiny, beautiful little guy caught me somewhat off guard. As soon as saw his face, I felt a new part of my heart begin growing.

With his birth came the birth of my new role in the world, Nana. My daughter had said months earlier that we needed a Nana in our lives, again and I proudly took up where my mom had left off.

Our tears of joy were mixed with laughter as we admired our little sweetness who was being measured, cleaned, wrapped and then gently placed in his new momma's arms.

What a miracle that someone so absolutely so tiny, could have such a major impact of everyone around him. Everyone who loves him receives blessings every time he smiles. Who can't love someone who creates happiness where ever he goes?

Happy Birthday, Sweet Potato. Your Nana and Papa adore you.


  1. It's the best thing in the entire world!

    And it only gets better.

  2. I have been one of the blessed to be on the receiving end of that impossibly precious smile. Happy, happy birthday, sweet child, and may you have so many more!
